The most magic speech bubble was so magic that it never stopped talking. It talked in twelve different languages ... and knew the words to every song. No matter what the weather was like - rain or shine, the most magic speech bubble talked most of the time. In fact, it never shut up. The most magic speech bubble had the widest mouth ... the brightest quotation marks and the funniest jokes. The most magic speech bubble was so magic that it quickly lost it's stammer ... and started to sing tunes so magical that they could be heard all over the town. The most magic speech bubble was so magic that it bubbled like lemonade. There were so many bubbles in the most magic speech bubble that every time the most magic speech bubble started to speak - it's bubbles popped. The most magic speech bubble was so magic that everything it said rhymed - it spoke in whispers and then a shout ... the most magic speech bubbles knew how to get the words out. The most magic speech bubble was the most magically talkative speech bubble in the world - he knew the dictionary backwards and how to spell each word.
Speak Out !
Write a speech.
© Jacqueline Richards 2005