The magic train ticket was so magic that it didn't cost any money at all yet could take you to every place, anywhere, anytime you wished to go. The magic train ticket was so magic that it could even be used on buses, boats, trains and aeroplanes. It could get you from here to there in seconds. In the rain, the magic train ticket was so magic that it stayed completely dry ... so magic that although other ordinairy train tickets soon became sodden and wet ... it never wripped, it never tore. The magic train ticket was so magic that it was utterly indestructible. So indestructible, in fact, that even magic scissors could not cut it up. You could stmap on it, twist it and turn it ... but the magic train ticket was so magic that it jumped back up all by itself. If the magic train ticket got lost, it found it's own way home again. It may have been left to gather dust in an old purse, among credit cards, library cards and five pound notes ... it ma have been dropped underneath a table, accidentally placed in a rubbish bin among crisp packets and fizzy pop bottles ... but the magic train ticket as so magic that it was never forgotten. The magic train ticket was so magic that it could take you to Timbuktu and back again. So magic, in fact that it could fly all by itself, floating high in the clouds, jet propelled into space around the universe leaving a trail of clouds of magic dust behind it and through the hole in the ozone layer before landing on Mars. The magic train ticket was so magic that it could get you from here to there in seconds as quick as a flash. Magic. © Jacqueline Richards 2005
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Esmerelda the Naughty Witch
Turnip the Turtle
Tuck The Chatterbox Toucan
Willy & Wally the Walruses
Octavia the Opera Singing Octopus
Monseigneur Money Spider & the WWW
Ryan the Ridiculous Rhinocerous
Christmas Messages
Children's Names
Pierre the Frog Series
Computer Mouse
Places Index
Kevin the Kangeroo
The Bumbling Bumble Bee
Birthday Stories
Harry the Hippo
Christopher the Crocodile
The Hungry Housefly Series of Stories
The Hungry Housefly Who Ate A Whole House
The Hungry Housefly’s Biggest Ever Picnic
The Hungry Housefly Makes Crumbs In The Cake Shop
The Hungry Housefly’s Day Sun – bathing in the Garden
The Hungry Housefly Gets Stuck In The Queue of the Sweet Shop
The Hungry Housefly’s Supersonic Shopping Trip To The Supermarket
The Hungry Housefly’s Visit to the Nurse at Warrington Hospital
The Hungry housefly's Trip to the Cinema
The Hungry Housefly's Clean Up At the Barracks
The Hungry housefly's Trip to the bowling Alley
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Jack & The Beanstalk Tall & Short Stories
Personalised stories of your child's name
and web page designs

Our Classes
Available for personal tuition through
and Visioneducation, Warrington
Early Learning
Ages 3 - 5
Ages 5 - 8
Ages 8 -12

Events & Workshops
Warrington Wolves, Halliwell Jones Stadium, Winwick Road, Warrington..........soon to be poetry reading event !!! Watch this space !!!
Bridgewater Hall, poetry writing workshops....coming soon....Watch this space !!!

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