Esmerelda the Naughty Witch
Turnip the Turtle
Tuck The Chatterbox Toucan
Willy & Wally the Walruses
Octavia the Opera Singing Octopus
Monseigneur Money Spider & the WWW
Ryan the Ridiculous Rhinocerous
Christmas Messages
Children's Names
Pierre the Frog Series
Computer Mouse
Places Index
Kevin the Kangeroo
The Bumbling Bumble Bee
Birthday Stories
Harry the Hippo
Christopher the Crocodile
The Hungry Housefly Series of Stories
The Hungry Housefly Who Ate A Whole House
The Hungry Housefly’s Biggest Ever Picnic
The Hungry Housefly Makes Crumbs In The Cake Shop
The Hungry Housefly’s Day Sun – bathing in the Garden
The Hungry Housefly Gets Stuck In The Queue of the Sweet Shop
The Hungry Housefly’s Supersonic Shopping Trip To The Supermarket
The Hungry Housefly’s Visit to the Nurse at Warrington Hospital
The Hungry housefly's Trip to the Cinema
The Hungry Housefly's Clean Up At the Barracks
The Hungry housefly's Trip to the bowling Alley
More teaching materials are available on

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I'm a description. Click to edit me

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Jack & The Beanstalk Tall & Short Stories
Personalised stories of your child's name
and web page designs

Our Classes
Available for personal tuition through
and Visioneducation, Warrington
Early Learning
Ages 3 - 5
Ages 5 - 8
Ages 8 -12

Events & Workshops
Warrington Wolves, Halliwell Jones Stadium, Winwick Road, Warrington..........soon to be poetry reading event !!! Watch this space !!!
Bridgewater Hall, poetry writing workshops....coming soon....Watch this space !!!

Welcome to the web blog of Jacqueline Richards


About Jacqueline Richards

All available for perusal or purchase, the series of English stories are the sequel to the author's published children's book...The Hungry Housefly Who Ate A Whole House ! Please feel free to arrange an event, kids' party or develop www products.....

The author originally started writing when living in a developing country - telling stories to illiterate school children - which then progressed as a hobby. She attributes her imaginative yet, fun, informal literary technique to teaching English as a foreign language whilst using limited resources in village settings. These educational short stories hope to address subjects, often thought by schoolchildren to be boring in new, fun and innovative ways - simplifying difficult maths and science concepts poetically. For example, what happens when galaxy throws a party for the Sun, but the planets all get jumbled up, a bookworm who munches his way through classic literature, an astronaut who can't countdown and so on?
From Dutch Montessori Primary School Teacher.....
"They're great !"
Paulina de Greeuw
Events & Workshops

Pop up Poetry Event, Bridgewater Hall, Manchester
Saturday 9th September 2017