The magic volcano didn't erupt very often ... but when it did, instead of rocks and molten lava, all manner of delicious confectionary spurted out. Sounds of the big bang - like a paper bag being popped - echoed around the valley, calling the children to come and lick all volcanic lollipops. Rather than the Earth's crust, the magic volcano spat out crumbs of golden honeycomb and peanut brittle was splattered everywhere. There was no volcanic ash - only sugary sherbert dust which coated all the trees for miles around. Sweet, chocolate sauce took the place of hot rivers of molten lava, pouring down the Honey Pot moutainside. Bonbons, gobstoppers and toffee bits rolled down the bank and splashed into a fizzy orangeade swamp, which bubbled and gurgled with a loud 'POP !. Here in the swamp, the alligators smiled a sweet, sticky alligator smile and their mouths watered, drooling at the candy smell. Crocodiles and piranha fish gurgled and gulped down as much of the sweet drink as they could, burning the roofs of their mouths on hot aniseed, hotter than the sun. Liquorice twigs were destroyed in the wake of the enormous explosion and the volcanic explosion engulfed everything in it's wake ... grassy banks, hedgerows and pebbled lanes were soon hidden under atomic clouds of sugary icing sugar. A snowstorm of chocflakes covered the paths. The volcanic explosion was so intense that the whole village nearby shook, tiles fell off the rooves of the houses and the door was dislodged from it's hinges. Candy floss clouds bellowed from the furnace inside the inner most Earth's crust and fiery aniseed balls rolled down the mountainside. Bonbons bounced down the ravine, gathering marzipan grass en route. Rocks of peanut brittle and honeycomb candy cascaded, knocking down trees. A sweet, syrupy river of fizzy orangeade and lemonade lava drowned almost everything in it's path. The explosion shook the town, and all the houses crumbled like burnt cake. The heat of the explosion melted all the icicle lollipops and soon the whole town looked like cinder toffee. The magic volcano didn't erupt very often ... but when it did, there was lots of fun ! Magic.
© Jacqueline Richards 2005