The most magical skateboard was so magic that as soon as it was put on the floor, the wheels started to turn and turn a bit more. The skateboard started to head off down the street, it rolled so fast, you almost fell off your feet. Down the hill and past the shops, the magic skateboard didn't stop. The most magic skateboard was as fast as a car ... and it didn't stop until it went far. When the most magic skateboard went around the bend, it skidded but still didn't stop. The most magic skateboard had wheels that span like yoyos so fast that they almost hynotised your eyes. The most magic skateboard was so magic that it went downhill faster than a rolling stone. The most magic skateboard was so magic that it passed cars, trucks and trains ... and the sparks from it's wheels dazzled everyone. The most magic skateboard was so magic that when it went around a roundabout, the roundabout went around, too. The traffic lights changed colours and even the zebra on the zebra crossing started to look like he'd been in a zoo. Magic.
© Jacqueline Richards 2005