The most magic mite was so magic that it could jump as high as a kite. In fact, so high that when it sprang, it could jump over the fence in one leap ... the most magic mite was so magic that when it landed on the rosebush, the petals shook and pollen dust fell to the floor. The most magic mite was so magic that when it jumped, it only narrowly missed the crows sat on the chimney pot ... and soon everything else was jumping, too. The grasshopper hopped higher than ever before, he jumped up high and landed on the floor. The most magic mite made everything else jump in the house too. The cat jumped from the rug to the settee, the knives, forks and spoons jangled and the cups and saucers jumped, too. The most magic mite made the clothes jump into the washing machine and then jump straight onto the washing line, then into the basket. In the supermarket, the most magic mite made all the cans that had fallen onto the floor, jump back onto the shelves neatly in a line. The apples and oranges on the vegetable rack jumped, too. The most magic mite made the newspaper jump into the newspaper rack ... and all the letters jump through the letterbox. The most magic mite made everything jump in the sky, as well. The sun jumped through the clouds, the moon jumped over Planet Earth ... and the stars jumped so much in the sky at night that they shone twice as bright. The most magic mite made everything jump in the park, too. The swings jumped, the slide jumped and the swans and ducks on the pond jumped, too. The most magic mite made the trees jump so much that they almost landed in the water with an enormous "SPLASH !". And when the frog leapt, the goldfish in the pond jumped, too. The most magic mite made the cars jump ... and the traffic lights jumped, too. So much, in fact, that they changed colour. © Jacqueline Richards 2005
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Esmerelda the Naughty Witch
Turnip the Turtle
Tuck The Chatterbox Toucan
Willy & Wally the Walruses
Octavia the Opera Singing Octopus
Monseigneur Money Spider & the WWW
Ryan the Ridiculous Rhinocerous
Christmas Messages
Children's Names
Pierre the Frog Series
Computer Mouse
Places Index
Kevin the Kangeroo
The Bumbling Bumble Bee
Birthday Stories
Harry the Hippo
Christopher the Crocodile
The Hungry Housefly Series of Stories
The Hungry Housefly Who Ate A Whole House
The Hungry Housefly’s Biggest Ever Picnic
The Hungry Housefly Makes Crumbs In The Cake Shop
The Hungry Housefly’s Day Sun – bathing in the Garden
The Hungry Housefly Gets Stuck In The Queue of the Sweet Shop
The Hungry Housefly’s Supersonic Shopping Trip To The Supermarket
The Hungry Housefly’s Visit to the Nurse at Warrington Hospital
The Hungry housefly's Trip to the Cinema
The Hungry Housefly's Clean Up At the Barracks
The Hungry housefly's Trip to the bowling Alley
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Jack & The Beanstalk Tall & Short Stories
Personalised stories of your child's name
and web page designs

Our Classes
Available for personal tuition through
and Visioneducation, Warrington
Early Learning
Ages 3 - 5
Ages 5 - 8
Ages 8 -12

Events & Workshops
Warrington Wolves, Halliwell Jones Stadium, Winwick Road, Warrington..........soon to be poetry reading event !!! Watch this space !!!
Bridgewater Hall, poetry writing workshops....coming soon....Watch this space !!!

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