The most magic toy shop was so magic that all the toys inside were free. They hardly ever broke and if they did, they fixed themselves. When the tin soldiers went to war and ended up with all kinds of injuries, it only took a little bit of magic glue and the tin soldiers soon ended looking like new. If the train track broke, then it only took the door of the magic toy shop to ring once and they were instantly fixed. No need for hammers and nails, no spanners nor hammers, too. In the magic toy shop there was never a big queue. The most magic toy shop was so magic that when the Teddy Bear lost his ear, falling off the shelf ... then the Christmas fairy at the top of the tree delicately stitched it back together again with a pine needle and tiny piece of tinsel. If the prima ballerina scratched her knee trying to get on top of the toy box, and her tights ripped, then the clown was there to pick her up again. In the most magic toy shop, the boxes of presents were always neatly stacked ... wrapped in the most magically colourful wrapping paper and strung up with ribbons and bows. The most magic toy shop had so many dolls that they could could hardly all fit in through the door ... luckily of things fell to the floor, then they bounced back up to the top of the shelf. Magic.
© Jacqueline Richards 2005