The magic tomato was so magic that it was more like a tomato - ball. When the magic tomato squashed ... tomato ketchup splattered everywhere. When the magic tomato rolled out of the fridge - it almost squashed the cat ! After rolling through the door, the magic tomato dropped off the step and across the garden. It was so magic that it never stopped rolling ... and rolling ... and rolling. In fact, a passing golfer saw the magic tomato and thinking it was a golf ball - put it into a hole. Of course being a magic magic tomato, it bounced back out of the hole again and underneath a tree. The magic tomato was then kicked by a passing footballer who scored a goal and poured some of the tomato ketchup over his hot dog rolls. The magic tomato plant was so ripe that some of the magic tomato seeds were planted and grew ... and grew ... and grew into a wonderful new magic tomato plant as tall as a tree. The magic tomato was so magic that it's leaves were like a palm tree. The magic tomato was so magic that it shone in the sun and so red that it could be used as a mirror. The magic tomato was so magic that it didn't need water - it grew on fizzy cherryade. After a week or so, the leaves were fizzy, too. Magic.
Squashed Tomatoes Activity
If you could roll a magic tomato anywhere - where would you roll it ?
© Jacqueline Richards 2005