The magic tin of baked beans was so magic that there were hundreds of baked beans everywhere as soon as the tin of baked beans fell to the floor. It took a magic tin opener to open the magic tin of baked beans. When it turned, it opened everything - before long, baked beans were everywhere ! The magic tin of baked beans was so magic that there were hundreds of baked beans - enough for everyone ! You could eat the magic tin of baked beans for breakfast, dinner and tea ... and there was even enough baked beans for the whole of the town as well as for you and for me. The magic tin of baked beans was so magic that the baked beans never went cold ... and when youa te them, the magic tin of baked beans meant that no - one ever grew old. The magic tin of baked beans jumped by itself from the cupboard to the pan. The magic tin of baked beans spilled by itself onto the plate ... in fact, the tin of baked beans, arrived on time - and was never late. The magic tin of baked beans rolled over by itself - in fact, the tin was so very magic, that it sprang from the shopping trolley to the shelf.
Get a cardboard box and fill it with your favourite magic foods - what would happen if the foods became magic ?
© Jacqueline Richards 2005