The most magic teapot wasn't magic at all (just a boring old ceramic pot sitting comfortably on the tablecloth next to the milk jug and sugar bowl) until one day someone decided to put the kettle on after visiting the supermarket to buy some magic tea bags. The whistling kettle must have had a magical effect on the magic teapot because as soon as steam bellowed out, the magic teapot started to jitter - bug on the table. It's lid rattled and it's spout shook. The magic teapot, warmed by the boiling water which now suddenly filled it, burst into life. Swish ! Swish ! A quick stir and a spoonful of sugar and hey presto ! The magic teapot was in a magic spin. Out popped something quite magical ... tea ... hot, warm and sweet ... Mmmmmmm. In addition to a gold necklace (that would come in handy) ... emerals, rubies and pearls ... a diamond ring (oohhh la la !) ... and some other magical bits and bobs ... a white rabbit, a new glove, a pair of glasses and a book ! The magic teapot was so magical that the tea turned into fizzy lemonade, then wine and eventually bubbly champagne. Mmmmmmm. The magic teapot never broke ... even if it dropped to the floor - it would always bounce back and start pouring tea again. The magic teapot had a magic spout - and it never dried up. The magic tea from the magic teapot was the tastiest in the world. Mmmmmmm. When the magic teapot rocked forwards and backwards, tea started to pour and there was always enough tea for everyone. Mmmmmmm. Magic.
MMMmmm Activity
Who would you invite to a magic tea and why ?
© Jacqueline Richards 2005