The magic taxi was so magic that it didn't even need petrol ... and it's engine never over - heated. So magic that it never stopped. It just kept on rolling ... and rolling and rolling. The magic taxi was so magic that it's wheels never punctured ... so magic that it's windscreen wipers never stopped. The magic taxi was so magic that when it's lights flashed, it lit up the whole town ... so magic that it could get to the other side of town in seconds. The magic taxi never lost it's way - if it almost did, then it quickly read a map and could find it's way home again. If it went around a roundabout, then the roundabout started to turn also. The magic taxi never had to stop at traffic lights ... instead the traffic lights stopped. The magic taxi had a horn so loud that it could be heard on the other side of town. The magic taxi could change colour ... and clouds of sherbert dust exhumed from it's exhaust. Magic.
Drive Away Activity
If a taxi took you anywhere in the world - where would it be and why ?
© Jacqueline Richards 2005