The magic tap dancing shoes tap danced all by themselves. They started tap dancing at breakfast, continued tap dancing all morning and were still tap dancing at lunch. The magic tap dancing shoes tied up their own laces ... and even polished themselves on their own. It wasn't long before the tap dancing tap shoes tap danced along the windowsill, making creases in the curtains ... and along the blinds. The magic tap dancing tap shoes left footprints along the fireplace and even on the rug. The noise of the tap dancing tap shoes could be heard all over the town ... here and there. They tap danced on the roof ... and tap danced so much on the chimney, too, that some of the tiles came off. They tap danced today and they'll probably still be tap dancing tomorrow. Magic.
One, Two, Tap Dancing Shoe Activity
Which famous person would you like to dance with ?
© Jacqueline Richards 2005