One day, a magic sugar stealer landed on a magic sugar bowl. The magic sugar bowl was so magic that the sugar stealer caught sugar on it's feathery prongs and before long, magic sugar was sprinkled everywhere. When the magic sugar bowl and the magic sugar stealer were put on the tablecloth, the spoon jumped into the sugar bowl all by itself. Soon even the knives, forks and spoons tasted sweet. The magic sugar bowl was accidentally knocked over, it jumped back up again - when magic sugar spilled out everywhere, hundreds of apple pies, tarts and meringues magically appeared. The magic sugar stealer was so magic that it sprinkled magic sugar on the cat asleep on the rug - the next time he had a saucer of milk, it tasted magically sugary sweet, too. The magic sugar stealer flew into the fire and clouds of sugary dust and sparks flew from the flames. The magic sugar stealer then headed towards the window and into the garden ... where it covered the flowers with sugar - the magic bees thought that this was great ... the honey they made tasted even sweeter than ever. When the magic sugar stealer landed on the trees, the caterpillars and slugs found that it made the apples and pears tastier, too. Even the leaves were covered in sugary magic dust. The magic sugar stealer dodged greenfly and bluebottles as it flapped it's wings and flew through the air ... when it landed on the lampshade, the light bulb shone sugary rays. The magic sugar bowl and the magic sugar stealer sprinkled sugary dust all over the house ... even the spider had sugary sandwiches for tea after his spider's web was coated in sugar. The magic sugar stealer was so magic that it covered the rooves, too, and the chimney pots all exhumed clouds of sugary dust. All the children made sugar snowmen in the garden and threw sugar snowballs at each other. Magic.
© Jacqueline Richards 2005