The magic spoon was so magic that it mixed everything ... so magic that very soon everything was mixed up, too. The magic spoon came in very handy if you had cakes to make, or paint to mix, or porridge to stir. But the magic spoon's magic was so magic that before long, everything else was in a muddle as well. The blue sky and white clouds were so mixed up that they ended up light blue ... and even the fish in the pond were mixed up in the water too, so mixed up in fact that they ended up swimming around in circles and the ducks started to swim backwards. The magic spoon was so magic that when it mixed in the kitchen - the pots and pans landed upside - down. The wsahing machine and tumble dryer started turning around, the wrong way around. The magic spoon mixed the apples and pears as well as the leaves on the trees with the rug on the stairs. It even made the honey mix with the honey bees. The magic spoon turned the world upside - down and everything in the sky, soon came tumbling down. The rain that fell from the sky, soon fell down then jumped back up high. The magic spoon was so magic that it mixed up all the flowers - it was mixing and mixing and mixing for hours. Soon the daisies were growing down and the snowdrops fell upwards instead of dropping down. The magic spoon was so magic that in the living room, it mixed the clock so the seconds hand went backwards and started to tock tick instead of tick tock. The magic spoon was so magic that it muddled up the shoes and on every left as well as right foot - there was a big size seven boot ! The magic spoon soon mixed up the shirts - there were soon three sleeves mixed up with a tie and pair of trousers. The magic spoon mixed the cat's saucer of milk - and soon the milk was like milkshake and the cat was left chasing his tail. The magic spoon mixed in the dog as well - so that very soon the cat started barking instead of mieouwing. When the magic spoon went on a countryside picnic, it mixed up the cows in the field with garden hoses... and very soon their tails landed up on their noses. The other animals on the farm were mixed up, too - so mixed up that the pig had ears on his curly tail ... and when he opened his mouth to "OINK !" - the noise that came out was more of a "WOOF !". The magic spoon mixed the buses and the cars - they soon were so mixed up that they headed off towards the stars and landed on Mars. The magic spoon mixed up all the planets in the universe - so that Pluto orbited the Sun (the wrong way around, of course !) and Saturn soon had three Moons. The magic spoon mixed the flour and eggs, and soon everything in the cupboards was like a pancake with sticky pancake legs ! The magic spoon was so magic that it mixed the baked beans with the spuds - and very soon everything was mixed up like baked beans and spuds should. The magic spoon mixed the cups and saucers so they too were upside down - then the knives, forks and spoons were all jumbled up - and headed off around the town. The magic spoon mixed glasses and the serviettes - it was because of all the magic that magic spoons get, I bet !
© Jacqueline Richards 2005