The most magic sock was so magic that whenever it was put onto a foot - toes started to wiggle and dance - even without music playing. The most magic sock was so magic that it could walk all by itself without ever aching. It could dance the quick step faster than any other sandal ... even when the jukebox was playing Handel. The most magic sock was so magic that it could walk up walls - and even scored goals when it kicked a football. The most magic sock was the fastest in the world - it even started tapping. When the magic sock slipped on ice, it jumped back up again all by itself. The most magic sock could climb the highest mountain without even getting wet - the most magic sock was the most magic sock in the entire world, I bet.
Sock It To 'Em !
Complete the story ... where would you walk if you had magic socks like this ?
© Jacqueline Richards 2005