The Council was running a competition to tidy up the neighbourhood and see which was the best caravan on the site. Many of the other gypsies set about polishing and dressing up their homes. This was going to be the cleanest caravan on the romany site, the gyspy exclaimed to the fortune teller. The fortune teller (being a dab hand at predicting horoscopes and casting spells) decided to lend a lathered hand and wished on a star for the soap to become magic. She shook some runes and waved her wand - abracadabra ! As the gypsy started scrubbing - she noticed something spectacular happen to her soap - bubbles and bubbles began to blow everywhere, sparkling in the sunlight and casting rainbow shadows. As more and more water was piled onto the caravan, the shampoo expanded effervescently. The frothy foam first spread from the floor, then seeped out under the door. Gurgling water gushed towards the waterlogged windowsill and down the dripping wet garden path. The sink overflowed with soapy soap suds and the kitchen soon became soggy and sodden. Magic soap suds mopped up all the mess from the morning. The gypsy caravan dried off in the breeze and simply shone like brand spanking, new again. The romany gypsy touched up the paint on the caravan's exterior and ironed the curtains, placing flowers in the window. The gypsy caravan was now much more like a palace fit for a Queen. Magic.
© Jacqueline Richards 2005