The magic skipping rope was so magic that when you skipped with it ... you jumped higher than a kangeroo, more nimble than a flea and quicker than a frog getting onto a lillypad. So high, in fact, that when you came back down to Earth again, you landed on the other side of the park ... but luckily, if you used the magic skipping rope, you quickly ended up back where you set off. Skipping with the magic skipping rope made your size twelve feet back to size nines - and when you skipped, you almost flipped - and you leapt over traffic road signs. The magic skipping rope grew so much - it tied itself in knots. It was so long, it reached Hong Kong, then grew even more lots and lots. The magic skipping rope could be used to peg up clothes like a washing line. If you wanted to make a long distance call then the magic skipping rope could be usd as a telegraph wire - great for ringing Australia or even America. The magic skipping rope was so long that it could reach around a whole house twice. So long, in fact, that it could be used to wrap a thousand Christmas presents ... and it made the prettiest bows. Magic.
© Jacqueline Richards 2005