The magic shopping bag was so magic that it could carry any amount of things. What was also special about the magic shopping bag was that everything that was put into it suddenly had a price reduction. It didn't take long for the giveaways to be given away. There was no more need for store detectives to monitor shoplifters - with the magic shopping basket, everything was a real steal. Expensive diamond rings became cut price instead of cut glass. Baked beans (usually two for the price of one) became fifty for the price of five. Everything was on offer in the magic shopping bag - a free television, a cut price bicycle. The magic shopping basket was so magic that oranges, lemons and other fruits were always ripe. Dates never went out of date. Stockings were such a super superbuy that they had four instead of the usual two legs and cut - off jeans were always cut price. Cashing in at the checkout had never been so easy ... it never cost any cash ! Bartering quickly went out of fashion and bar drinks were a real bargain. Bread turned into a super deal at the supermarket. Instead of being heavy, the magic shopping bag was as light as a feather ... and unlike most shopping bags, the handle never broke. On every boring, old trip to the supermarket - the magic shopping basket was SO LUCKY it was just like winning the lottery. Magic.
© Jacqueline Richards 2005