The magic salt and pepper pot was so magic that only one shake and clouds of salty dust appeared. The magic salt and pepper pot was so magic that it sprinkled magic salt and pepper everywhere. So magic, in fact, that it covered the entire town in salty clouds of salt and pepper. It even rained salt and pepper raindrops and snow so everyone could splash about in salt and pepper puddles. Before long, the entire town was sneezing "ARRRRTISSHOO !". The cars honked their "ARRRRTISSHOO !" horns and spurted out clouds of salt and pepper exhaust fumes which made the dogs walking in the park sneeze "ARRRRTISSHOO !" instead of barking too. Even the cats they were chasing sneezed "ARRRRTISSHOO !". The lamp - posts didn't shine quite so bright after they were rained on by salt and peppery raindrops and the flowers in the park grew salt and pepper pollen, the honey bees made salt and pepper honey and had salt and peppery honey sandwiches at magic salt and peppery picnics, sneezing "ARRRRTISSHOO !" as they flew past the salt and pepper petals. The caterpillars and slugs crawling on the salt and pepper plants liked nibbling the salt and peppery leaves. The magic salt and pepper pot sprinkled on the grass and soon salt and pepper weeds grew too. The sparrows soon found that the worms they picked up from the soil tasted of magic salt and pepper. The magic salt and pepper pot sprinkled magic salt and pepper on the rivers ... and the fish soon were swimming in magic salt and pepper waves, with a splattering of vinegar. The frogs on the lillypads sneezed a salt and peppery "ARRRRTISSHOO !" as they leapt from the pond to the bank. The magic salt and pepper pot sprinkled magic salt and pepper on the trees and soon they grew salt and peppery apples and pears, salt and pepper ornages and lemons, salt and pepper grapes and cherries. The magic salt and pepper pot sprinkled salt and pepper in the air and the aeroplanes left a trail of magic salt and pepper across the sky. Even the kites had magic salt and pepper on their ribboned tails. The seagulls flying inland sneezed "ARRRRTISSHOO !". It didn't stop on Earth - the magic salt and pepper pot sprinkled salt and pepper all over the universe. At night, the magic salt and pepper pot was so magic that when it sprinkled on the stars - they twinkled some more. In space, rockets (which looked like a magic salt and pepper pot) spurted out clouds of salt and pepper fumes and the astronauts sneezed "ARRRRTISSHOO !". As the meteorites crashed they crumbled into clouds of magic salt and pepper dust. So magic that even the Moon ended up covered in magic salt and pepper. Magic salt and pepper soon showered down on the Milky Way - around Pluto and Venus, Saturn's rings, too had magic salt and pepper spinning around in orbit. When aliens landed, sneezing "ARRRRTISSHOO !", they put their boots into magic salt and pepper craters and kicked up magic salt and pepper moondust. Magic salt and pepper sprinkled everywhere. It took a whole week to brush up the piles of salty salt and pepper. The more the broom brushed, the more the clouds of magic salt and pepper floated into the sky, choking the bluebottle flies and smothering the dragonflies flying around in the air in clouds of magic salt and pepper dust. Magic.
© Jacqueline Richards 2005