What was magic about the magic remote control was that it was quite unremote, indeed. When the buttons on the magic remote control were pressed, as well as the television channels, everything else changed, too. The forks changed into spoons, the knives back into forks. In the kitchen as soon as the magic remote control buttons were pressed, the casserole dish changed into a frying pan. The broom quickly became a mop ... the fridge became a washing machine. By now, the magic remote control was so out of control that it even started to change things in the garden, too. The magic remote control was so magic that it even changed the colour of the flowers in the garden. Soon, the daffodils were no longer yellow - the daisies turned into bright red. Bluebells were green and trees were blue ... and it wasn't only the flowers, but the vegetables all had a turn around, too. Tomatoes became radishes ... pumpkins became turnips and carrots were like parsnips. Whilst the grapes turned into wine, in the orchard, the apples became pears, the oranges turned into grapefruits, which then turned into grapefruit and orange juice. Magic.
What else in the house do you think you could switch ON and OFF ?
© Jacqueline Richards 2005