The magic raindrop was so magic that it rained even when the Sun shone. It rained both morning and afternoon, day and night. The magic raindrop was enormous - it was so magic it could create a puddle which quickly became a river flowing into a lake. The magic raindrop was so magic that as soon as it hit the ground, it bounced. So magic, in fact, that when it bounced, it could leap across the whole garden, over trees and even the house. If the magic raindrop accidentally landed on a flower, it almost knocked off the petals and squashed a caterpillar on the leaves, but luckily the magic raindrop was so magic that the flower bounced back up again. The magic raindrop was so magic that even after it had hit the roof, it landed in exactly the right spot on the chimney pot and slid down the drain into the grid. The magic raindrop was so magic that just one drop could fill a glass - and a jug, too. Just one drop watered the entire garden ... so much that the flowers just grew ... and grew and grew ... into the prettiest flowers in the world. The magic raindrop fell on an acorn ... and before long, there was an oak tree. If the magic raindrop fell on a dessert - an oasis quickly developed - with palm trees growing coconuts and before long, there was a jungle with the greenest trees. The magic raindrop was so magic that you could even wash in one single raindrop. The magic raindrop made all the dust and dirt from the town disappear ... cars shone like new. Everyone thought that the magic raindrop was fabulous except for the local window cleaners who soon went out of business. Magic.
© Jacqueline Richards 2005