The most magic rainbow was so magic that it painted everything multi - coloured. Before long, the whole world was a topsy - turvy multi - coloured muddle. So magic, in fact, that before long, the whole sky had turned red, yellow and blue. The clouds turned green and the birds flying by turned orange. When it rained, there were soon puddles and the most magic rainbow turned the grass purple. The most magic rainbow made the trees violet and the apples on the trees blue. The most magic rainbow made the pond indigo and the swans and ducks swimming on the pond yellow. The boats were splashed in a new lick of multi - coloured paint even without a paintbrush ! The most magic rainbow made the hills multi - coloured, too and even the sky turned pink then back to blue. The most magic rainbow made the hills brown and the roads every colour of the rainbow. The cars looked greener than ever before when the most magic rainbow passed by overhead ... the most magic rainbow was so magic that it changed the traffic lights all by itself. The most magic rainbow was so magic that it changed the colour of the cats and dogs ... soon the insects in the garden were spotty and so were the grasshoppers and bees ... the worms looked like they were wearing a multi - coloured scarf and multi - coloured socks all the way upto their knees. The most magic rainbow was so magic that at night, the moon changed colour, too ... soon even the stars were various shades of blue.
© Jacqueline Richards 2005