The magic pill was so magic that it didn't matter if you took one day or night, morning or evening - it magicked away every ache and made everything well again. The magic pill was so magic that it twinge disappear. As soon as it was swallowed down, the magic pill was so magic that no - one ever got a high temperature, a headache nor a pain in the back. The magic pill was so magic that it mended broken bones and got rid of swollen knees. The magic pill was so magic that anyone who ate one never suffered from a sore throat again. The magic pill was so magic that when taken with a glass of water, it dissolved instantly - no coughs or colds, no sniffs or sneezes ever again. The magic pill was more magic than medicine, more magic than ointment. The magic pill was so magic that when you swallowed one, your throat tickled and your tummy tingled. Just one gulp of the magic pill and even your feet felt magic. The magic pill made your whole body twitch with magic electricity from the tips of your toes to the top of your fingers. The magic pill made everything else in the medicine cupboard magic, too. The toothbrush danced, the toothpaste squirted all by itself, the taps turned on and off, shampoo bubbled and bubbles frothed. The whole bathroom was alive with magic sparkles. Magic.
© Jacqueline Richards 2005