The magic parachute was so magic that it could float over houses. It only took one small gust of wind and the magic parachute was blown over trees and hills. The magic parachute was so magic that it could catch clouds and when the magic parachute caught clouds, all the rain disappeared. The magic parachute was so magic that it dropped the rain it caught into ponds and rivers and the splashes the raindrops made awoke the sleeping crocodiles. The magic parachute watered every flower in the garden so they grew ... and grew ... and grew. By the time the shower was over, the magic parachute flowers were as big as umbrellas which the ants used to shelter from the rain storm. The magic parachute was so magic that one day it even caught the Sun and the Sun was so magic, once inside the magic parachute that it shone too. The magic parachute was so magic that it caught all the stars of the Milky Way - and rearranged them so night turned into day. The magic parachute was so magic that it made the Moon turn around ... and when it turned around, it made all the other planets turn around too. The magic parachute was so magic that it lifted the Earth and made it as light as a feather - so it could float around the universe in every kind of weather. Magic.
© Jacqueline Richards 2005