The magic mystery magnifying glass was so magic that it magnified everything, no matter how small and made everything grow. The magic mystery magnifying glass was so magic that it made a mountain out of a molehill. Tiny ants became enormous elephants and tiny slugs soon looked like giant cobras once seen through the magic mystery magnifying glass. The magic mystery magnifying glass made garden sheds into the size of mansion houses, tiny sprouts into tremendous trees. The magic mystery magnifying glass made things ten times bigger ... and ten times wider ... in fact, the magic mystery magnifying glass made even the most miniscule molehills into the most massive and monstrous mountains. All of this magnifying, of course, made life very complicated indeed. In the kitchen, cooking became quite an eventful affair ... a teaspoon of sugar became a spadeful ... and a cup of flour was more the size of a bucket. The magic mystery magnifying glass was so magic that it magnified a television into a cinema screen. So magic that a paintbrush became a broom ... a one pence coin, a dustbin lid. The magic mystery magnifying glass was so magic that it magnified a birthday card into a cardboard box, a toy car into an enormous truck. Tin soldiers soon became an entire army of fighting men ... and grew much taller like giants when seen through the most magic magnifying glass. The magic mystery magnifying glass was so magic that it magnified an orange to glow like the Sun. So magic, in fact, that the most magic magnifying glass magnified a spoon into a spade that could dig a hole the size of a trench. Magic.
© Jacqueline Richards 2005