The magic milk jug was so magic that it fell out of the fridge all by itself. So magic that when it poured, it never stopped. The magic milk jug was so magic that although milk first poured, it quickly turned into cream ... then custard and back again. If the magic milk jug fell over, the milk never spilled out ... and never left any stains. The magic milk jug poured fizzy orange ... then lemonade. Next the magic milk jug poured cocoa cola followed by cherryade ... a drop of gin, a jot of port and a lot of soda. If the weather was hot, the magic milk jug majicked ice cubes. When the weather was cold, it poured enough milk to make twenty cups of cocoa. Although the magic milk jug sometimes fell on the floor - it never cracked and never broke - all it did was pour. Magic.
© Jacqueline Richards 2005