The magic library never ran out of books. There were books on everything topic you could imagine. It had shelves that were cram packed with all kinds of interesting things to read. There were biographies and autobiographies, novels of fiction and non - fiction, current affairs and science fiction. If you started early in the morning, you would have to read through the afternoon and into the morning. The magic library tickets never ran out ... The magic library was so magical that you didn't even need a library ticket, you could take as many books as you wished and there were never any fines. When books fell off the shelves in the magic library, they majicked th emselves back through thin air. The pages opened and closed all by themselves, and if they looked untidy, all the magic librarian had to do was clap her hands and the magic books jumped into ship - shape order, all neat and tidy. The magic library had magic doors that let all the books in the world float through into it ... books about Aborigines flew in from Australian, there were books about cowboys from the Far West of America ... and books on fishing from igloos by eskimo in Iceland. You could find out anything that you wanted to know in the magic library ... and how to make anything ... or do anything ... or find anything, too. Magic.
© Jacqueline Richards 2005