The magic launderette was so magic that it didn't even need washing powder ! Clothes jumped into the washing machine all by themselves ! And were spotless when they jumped back out of the washing machine into the dryer. But the launderette's magic soon started to work all by itself. Before long, it had washed the windows, door and floor. Everything sparkled and looked like new. Well, that's what magic washing machines with magic do. The mop bucket and the mop worked magically, too ! Very soon there were bubbles on the mat and the magic launderette even washed the cat ... But in some places, the magic launderette's magic wasn't magic at all ... it knocked off the picture frames when it was washing the hall ! The magic launderette washed the kitchen magically, very soon, the pots and pans sparkled like new ! The magic launderette had so much magic that it washed the living room, too ! So much magic that the clothes were fantastic and grew. Very soon, the socks multiplied ... and the magic launderette's scarves were magnified. 1
1. There were 50 socks in the tumble dryer and 60 gloves in the washing machine. How many items of clothing is that all together ?
2. In the washing machine, there were 3 socks, 6 scarves and 9 ties. Express this as a ratio.
3. The magic washing machine washed three times as many socks as shirts. If it washed 7 shirts, how many socks were washed ?
4. The magic washing machine washed a shirt that shrank ! If the shirt was reduced in size by one quarter, what ratio is that ?
5. One of the pairs of trousers washed by the magic washing machine stretched ! If it grew in size on a scale of 1 : 5, how big did a 120 cm pair of trousers become ?
6. The magic washing machine trebled the number of shirts washed. If 15 shirts were put into the washing machine, how many appeared when the washing machine door was opened ?
7. The magic washing machine had 100 screws, but 15 dropped out. How many were left ?
8. The magic washing machine washed 18 more socks than shirts. If it washed 90 shirts, how many socks did it wash ?
9. The magic washing machine washed 20 % of the 45 clothes in the washing basket - how many and what fraction is that ?
10. The magic washing machine washed 700 shirts - what decimal, fraction and percentage of the 7000 clothes is that ?
11. If the magic washing machine was so magic that 200 bubbles appeared every time it span, how many bubbles were there after 90 spins ?
12. The scarf washed by the magic washing machine stretched in a proportion of 2 : 3. If it was 200 cm long, then how long did it become once washed ?
13. The magic washing machine washed ten times as many pairs of trousers as socks. If it washed 20 socks, then many trousers is that ?
14. The magic washing machine stretched a tie to become 15 times longer. If it was 70 cm long when bought, how long did it become ?
15. When the magic washing machine washed the living room, one third of the cushions disappeared. If there were 60 cushions, how many cushions were then left ?
© Jacqueline Richards 2007
Answers : 1. 50 + 60 = 110 2. 3 : 6 : 9 = 1 : 2 : 3 3. 7 x 3 = 21 4. 4 : 1 5. 120 x 5 = 600 cm 6. 15 x 3 = 45 7. 85 8. 108 9. 8 10. 700 / 7000 = 0.1; one tenth; 10 % 11. 200 x 90 = 18 000 12. 300 cm 13. 200 14. 15 x 70 = 1050 cm 15. 60 - (60 / 3 = 40) = 20