The most magic key opened the door to a magic world - where everything opened magically. It turned everything. There were no closed doors when the magic key was around ... it unlocked the cupboards and every jar of jam inside. So magic, in fact, that as soon as the magic key turned, tins of baked beans opened up all by themselves ... and rolled onto the plate. When the most magic key turned, a bottle of milk opened ... and out poured the tastiest and most frothy milkshake. The most magic key turned the clock - out sprang cogs and wheels and alarm bells rang. The most magic key turned the dog so much, he started to chase his own tail. When the most magic key turned the cat - he toppled over backwards - well how about that ! When the magic key turned in the fishbowl, the goldfish started swimming the wrong way around in the water ... In the kitchen, the most magic key turned the pots and pans upside - down and turned everything inside out all around the town. When it turned in the sink, the taps flushed water all by themselves. The washing machine started to spin and the tumble dryer tumbled. The most magic key turned the washing line so that the pegs pegged up all the clothes in the basket all by themselves. The most magic key turned the paintbrushes in the shed so much that they painted it blue all by itself. It turned the trowel so that it started to dig ... and turned the rake so that it started to gather up dead leaves all by itself. The most magic key turned the knives, forks and spoons so that they stirred everything up and before long a whole feast had been cooked ! The most magic key turned the tables and chairs and soon the tablecloth had floated into the air. The most magic key turned the seasons of the year - from Spring through till Summer - it was the magic key that made Winter arrive ... and soon a whole year had passed. The most magic key turned the leaves from green to brown and made the blossoms on the trees flower. The most magic key turned all over the garden so that the flowers grew the wrong way around ... and the apples on the trees fell up the tree instead of down. The most magic key turned in the living room ... and the rug flipped. The most magic key turned the pages of every book on the bookshelf ... and the letters through the letterbox. The most magic key turned the lawnmower so that it cut the grass all by itself ... and turned the sky so that the birds flew around in circles. The most magic key turned the engine of the car - so much that it went into reverse instead of driving forwards. The most magic key turned the frowns on the faces of the people passing by into smiles. It turned tears into laughter and soon everything in the magic world was turned so much it didn't seem to know if it was coming or going.
Magic Key to the Door Activity
Name 3 things you could open with a magic key.
© Jacqueline Richards 2005