The magic honey bee was so magic that it's honey was the sweetest in the world. So sweet, in fact, there was enough to spread over a thousand sandwiches and you could make a million cakes and a zillion honey biscuits with it. If the honey got stuck on your fingers, it stuck your hand inside your glove, your golden ring to your finger and no amount of licking could get it to unstick. The magic honey bee was so magic that when it flapped it's wings, it flew so high that you could no longer see it from the ground any more. So magic that it's buzz could be heard on the other side of the planet ... with a magical musical tune that could play any song. The magic honey bee's honeycomb was so big that it was actually more the size of a skyscraper. All the other bees, loved to fly around for a taste of the tastiest honey. The magic honey bee was so magic that it didn't matter if it was night or day ... the magic honey bee never got lost. It flew around the garden and knew all the best places to collect pollen to make the tastiest honey. The magic honey bee could disappear (when he wanted to) and reappear on the top of the fence ... the magic honey bee was so magic that it's tiny legs could balance on even the smallest daisy ... when it sneezed from the pollen that it collected from the roses in the garden, all the leaves on the trees shook and the sneeze tasted of honey, too. The magic honey bee was so magic that it's black and yellow stripes looked like a football scarf ... He often wore woolly black and yellow stockings but luckily the magic honey bee was so magic that they never needed darning because they never got holes in them. Magic.
Name ten words beginning with bee, bea and be....example beast
© Jacqueline Richards 2005