The magic hammer and the magic nail was so magic that whatever got broken about the house, soon got fixed again. When the leg fell off the table, the magic hammer and the magic nail repaired it again as quick as a flash. BANG ! BANG ! BANG ! If the window got broke, the magic hammer and the magic nail fixed it. But it was so magic that it fixed everything else, too, everywhere. The magic hammer and the magic nail set about hammering and nailing in the house ... in the dining room, it hammered the tablecloth to the table and the cups and saucers to the tablecloth. Knives, forks and spoons as well soon were pinned in the drawers. The magic hammer and the magic nail hammered the picture frames to the walls and the door - so no - one could open it. BANG ! BANG ! BANG ! After a week or so, the magic hammer and the magic nail were by now happily hammering nails everywhere. The magic nails hammered the curtains to the curtain rails so that the curtains wouldn't close. The magic hammer and the magic nail hammered all the books to the bookshelves ... and the pages of the books together. Before long, everything in the house was stuck up, pinned up or locked up. In the kitchen, the pots and pans were nailed together. The dishcloth, the washing - up liquid and the scrubbing brush were nailed to the sink - and the two taps were so magically well nailed that they didn't run hot or cold ... only warm water. After the magical hammer and the magic nail had been nailing an hour, the cupboard door wouldn't open ... BANG ! BANG ! BANG ! Disaster struck !!! in the garden too - but the magic hammer and the magic nail were quickly there to restore it back to working order. The magic hammer and the magic nail nailed the flowers to the grass and the bird nests to the hedge. The magic hammer and the magic nail was so busy hammering and nailing that it awoke all the neighbours, it took a week to open the garden gate. The magic hammer and the magic nail was so magic that before long, the car door wouldn't open and the wheels wouldn't turn, the engine didn't work very well and ... of course, it was the magic hammer and the magic nail that was responsible. BANG ! BANG ! BANG ! Magic.
© Jacqueline Richards 2005