The magician wasn't a very musical chap at all and usually his guitar was found placed at the bottom of the stairs. It was only when it caught a little bit of the magician's left over magic one day that suddenly the magic guitar started to make magical music ... music so magic that it could be heard all over the world. The magic guitar made music as magical as anyone had ever heard. All it took was a bit of sun and the magic guitar played music more magical than anyone. The magic guitar was strummed along, and knew the words of every song. The magic guitar was so magic that as soon as the night turned into day, the magic guitar carried on playing anyway. The magic guitar was never out of tune ... it started at breakfast and continued until noon. The magic guitar hit the highest notes ... as well as the lowest, it played the notes fastest and then played them slowest. If the strings snapped on the magic guitar, they quickly mended all by themselves. The magician played in a magic orchestra - with a magic drum and magic tamborine, too. He started playing early in the morning ... and continued playing till way past two. The only problem that the magician had, was which song to play - and whether to play it happy or sad.
© Jaqueline Richards 2007