The magic factory was so magic that everything inside it worked faster than a racing car. The magic factory made things so marvellous that they never got broke. Or if they did, there was so much manufacturing in the magic factory that when the machines needed repairing ... it only took seconds to fix it again. With a splash of oil here and a splattering of paint, there. The magic factory was the talk of the town and everything that was made in the factory was magic, too. The magic factory had so much work being done in it that it took a whole army of people to carry all the boxes in it. The boxes in the factory were so magic that when they opened, out sprang magic things ... the wheels on the magic factory's lorries were so magic that they never got a puncture. The magic factory had magic windows that never got dirty, nor did the floor ... and there was always so much work to be done that the chimneys always billowed with smoke. The magic factory was so magic that the spanners shone and when the nuts and bolts were being put together, they worked like a magic wand. Of course, they never came undone and the nails hammered into wood themselves. There were never any cleaners in the magic factory - the mop worked all by itself - and so did the brush and pan. The cups cleaned themselves, the saucers stacked themselves upright, too. The magic factory was so magic that the computers worked all by themsleves ... and the printer photcopied at the flash of a button. Magic.
© Jacqueline Richards 2005