The magic dustbin was so magic that no matter what was put inside it, everything just disappeared instantly. The magic dustbin just gobbled it all up. Cocoa cola cans, crisp packets and baked bin tins were all gobbled up. Biscuit crumbs, old newspapers were no match for the magic dustbin ... as soon as it's lid was opened, everything around it disappeared. Not only the twigs in the garden, but the garden sheers, too. The magic dustbin was so magic that whatever the weather, the rain, snow, sleet and bad weather poured in. The magic dustbin was so magic that no amount of rubbish could fill it ... it recycled everything, including the kitchen sink. The magic dustbin was so magic that bits and pieces weren't bits and pieces anymore. Everything that was thrown away broken was suddenly fixed again - it didn't take glue, just open the magic dustbin and things once again looked like new. The magic dustbin was so magic that things put in dirty came out clean ... and none of the stains were ever seen. The magic dustbin was so magic that it carried itself all the way to the tip ... and back again, empty. The magic dustbin was so magic that no matter what the garbage - from the house, garden or shed, the garbage all disappeared. There was no need for old boxes, bags or rubbishy holes - when the magic dustbin opened up ... it got eaten up in whole. Magic.
© Jacqueline Richards 2005