The magic doll's house was only about a metre high, but when it was accidentally splattered with some of the fairy's magic, one day, suddenly the doors opened wide. The dolls inside all started to walk - suddenly they found that they could all talk. The table that was once broke and had only three legs, suddenly was mended and shined like new, the screws that had come loose, were magically fixed too. The kitchen cupboards that were hanging off their hinges, suddenly miraculously worked. The magic doll's house had curtains that were torn, but once the fairy's magic started to work, the doll's house didn't look so worn. The wripped wallpaper was magically fixed and suddenly there was carpet on the floor, so the dolls no longer slipped. Before the magic doll's house windows were shattered and broken in parts, now with the magic fair's magic working on the curtain rails, the dolls found that they could easily pull the curtains apart. The magic doll's house had missing tiles on the roof ... but the magic fairy's magic fixed them and the chimney pot, too. Flowers grew in the garden and in the flowerpots too ... the fairy's magic fixed them all, it put the pictures back on the walls of the hall. The magic doll's house magic even worked on the cat ... it made his whiskers grow and mended the hole in his mat. Thank heavens for magic fairies. No need for a housekeeper or a handyman. I bet everyone wished they had a magic fairy like this, who could do the jobs that other dolls can. Magic.
© Jacqueline Richards 2007