The magic cow was quite a special cow - his udder was full of strawberry milkshake. He had been running around so much that the milkshake in the cow's udder was light and bubbly. When it was milking time on the farm - Farmer Gyles pulled up his milking stool and started to fill up a big bucket. He expected to see creamy white milk - but what came from the cow's teets was pink and frothy. He stuck in a straw ... it tasted lovely, rich and warm. Monday's milk was quite a treat - the milk was sweet - Tuesday's tasted of banana. Wednesday's milk was frothy and light - though the milk was still quite white. Thursday's milk was blue and sour all through and through - it tasted of gooseberry too. Friday's milk - was the richest of all - it tasted of raspberry ripple and filled a glass tall. But the weekend's was best - with a chocolate flake as big as a lake. It tasted of cocoa and sugar. The milk was still warm - from the cow with a horn - and bubbly all the way through. Magic.
© Jacqueline Richards 2005