The magic cooking pot was so magic that when it was put on the stove to boil, magical things happened ... the magic cooking pot didn't take long to heat up - a quick flick of the magic match onto the flame and the magic cooking pot became a bubbling cauldron. Chop up an onion and pop in a carrot and "HEY PRESTO !" out pops a magical stew. A drop of sugar and before you knew it there was a cake ... a touch of yeast and the mixture rose high to become a loaf of bread ... a quick stir and the mixture started to whizz in the magical cooking pot. The magic cooking pot was so magic that when you added a dash of tomato sauce - out popped tomatoes. A drop of orange juice and the pot was filled with oranges. A leaf of cabbage ... and a slice of cucumber and soon there was a whole Waldorf salad. A chicken leg and the magic cooking pot started to walk all by itself ... a grape and before you knew it ... there was wine. There were omlettes when an egg was put into the magic cooking pot ... and a magic pig appeared when a slice of bacon was added. A sprinkle of salt, a splattering of pepper and the magic pot started to sneeze. The magic cooking pot was so magic that when you whisked inside it ... the mixture started to expand. Before you could blink, there were three magic cooking pots on the magic stove. If a newspaper was put into the magic cooking pot - magical alphabetical soup appeared inside. And just when you thought that the cooking was all done - the magic cooking pot started cooking another bun. The magic cooking pot was so magic that if you put in a loaf of bread ... out popped toast ... and if you put in milk, strawberry milkshake appeared. Magic.
© Jacqueline Richards 2005