The magic cloud was so magic that it could hide every star in the universe. The planets suddenly disappeared and then so did every aeroplane. The magic cloud was so magic that it only took a tiny puff of fresh air and it travelled through the sky. You could take rides on the magic cloud - the tickets were free and you could get to anywhere in the universe faster than taking a rocket. There were no A or B class tickets on the magic cloud ... because if you sat down on the magic cloud, you fell right through and for tea you could nibble some sweet dessert because the magic cloud was made of candy floss. The magic cloud hardly ever rained, of course, and if it did, the raindrops tasted of fizzy lemonade. The magic cloud was multi - coloured because of all the rainbows that passed through it. It sang like the sweetest birdsong because of all the skylarks that usually fluttered by. The magic cloud was so magic that it could wrap around skyscrapers, chimney stacks, church steeples and tall towers. The magic cloud was scented like perfume ... Magic.
© Jacqueline Richards 2005