The most magic boat in the world was so magic that it could drive like a car, swim like a submarine and even fly like an aeroplane ... so magic in fact, that it floated in water like a rubber dinghy, wobbled like a jellyfish and swam like a shark ... the most magical boat in the world was so magic that it could float across the globe in minutes ... so magically, in fact, that it even scared the sharks. The most magical boat in the world was so magic that when it was washed by the waves it shone like brand new again and when it crashed onto a beach, the seaweed all parted ... all the jellyfish on the beach wobbled much more, the starfish jumped and the beachwood hit the floor. The most magical boat in the world was so magic that it could carry tens of thousands of passengers, one hundred boxes of cargo ... and even more treasure. The most magic boat in the world was so magic that it didn't need water to float - it floated all by itself. The most magic boat in the world was so magic that it could cast magic spells and when it cast magic spells, the magic floated around the world, too. It made everything special and turned the night into day ... it made the leaves on the trees change colour and the grass grow high like hay. The most magic boat in the world was so magic that it never sank ... it didn't seem to matter that the water splashed and splashed on the most magical boat ... it just splashed away like water off a duck's back. The rubber ring on the most magical boat in the world was so magic that it span into outer space and didn't even stop spinning when it reached Pluto. It passed Mercury and Venus, orbited Earth and Mars ... the most magical boat in the world was so magical that it could carry a thousand people ... and kaleidoscope into the stars. Magic.
© Jacqueline Richards 2005