The magic acorn was so magic that when it fell from the tree to the ground, the ground shook. The ground shook so much that you could feel the tremors in Outer Mongolia. The magic acorn was so magic that as soon as it rained, the most enormous tree grew. The magic acorn was so magic that the tree that grew, grew gold. It's leaves were gold and shone in the dark. The magic acorn was so magic that when the squirrel ate it up ... the squirrel's tail started to turn gold, too. The footprints that it left in the grass were gold. The magic acorn was so magic that it rolled around the world. It could roll downhill and roll uphill aswell. The magic acorn was so magic that it made the leaves on the oak tree gold. So gold that the sky started to glisten. Activity Name three places that a squirrel could hide his acorn.
© Jaqueline Richards 2005