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The Clown's Magic Balloon

Writer: jjacquirjjacquir

The clown's magic balloon was so magic that when the clown made a wish - the balloon got bigger and bigger - and went zooming off with a "SWISH !" ... After a while, it made everyone smile. The clown's magic balloon blew on a gust of wind ... it almost popped and never stopped ... and soon everyone in the town grinned. When the clouds clouded the view, the clown's magic balloon floated right through. When the weather got worse, the balloon almost burst. The clown used his balloon as a rocket, zooming off through the universe. The clown's magic balloon was soon bigger than Mars and floated towards the hole in the ozone in between the stars. The clown's magic balloon was as light as a feather ... it floated off over the rooftops no matter whatever the kind of weather. The clown's magic balloon was almost as big as the moon which hid the Sun when the day was done. When the clown blew his whistle, the balloon grew so fast, the balloon soon became the size of the Moon and went off zooming past. The clown's magic balloon was so magic that it could lift the clown over the town ... over the chimney pots and round and around. Soon, the balloon was bigger than a tall skyscraper ... too big to wrap in a piece of paper. All the people of the town stood on the balloon when they wanted to look down. If you wanted to get to Spain, the clown's magic balloon was better than an aeroplane ... the tickets were free and there were always plenty of seats ... the clown's magic balloon threw shadows on the streets. Over the mountains the clown's magic balloon flew, off towards the Himalayas and around about Kathmandu. The clown's magic balloon was the same colour as his smile ... red ... when the clown blushed, up the balloon rushed ... and the clown didn't come back down for a while. The clown's magic balloon then headed towards the sea ... there was really no way on Earth, that the clown would make it home for tea. Just before it got engine failure, the balloon just about reached the tip of Australia. I bet everyone wished they had a balloon like this, that could land on all the planets and never once miss.

© Jacqueline Richards 2007

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