The Christmas that Santa checked out of the *** Hotel, things didn't really go so well...
Rudolph and the fairy thought so as well !
Instead of a left turn, Santa took a right....
The presents all fell off the sleigh - it really was a sight !
Santa thought his problems never would end,
When the robin zoomed off around the bend...
Which way to go ? he really didn't know,
Instead of going fast, the sleigh only went slow !
A wheel fell off, the turkey flew off, even Rudolph started to cough....
It seemed that Christmas was going to be tough !
Disaster struck when Mrs Christmas he went to phone....
She was out carol-singing, not at home....
Santa left a message for Gerome,
To come pick him up.....but he was a useless gnome....
Thinking he was about to explode,
Santa sat down at the side of the road....
Just then the *** Hotel receptionist passed on his way to work...
Seeing Santa, he started to smirk....
For a present or two, I know what to do....
He took him back to the hotel for a dish of tasty stew....