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The Hungry Woodpecker Who Ate A Whole Wood

Writer: jjacquirjjacquir

The hungry woodpecker who ate a whole wood, started by learning to peck worms as most good woodpeckers in the wood should. It didn't matter how many ladybirds and caterpillars it had got. Dry rot or not, the woodpecker finished off the lot. As a baby bird at sapling school, the hungry woodpecker gobbled up all the pencils and tools ... When the hungry woodpecker's belly rumbled, it was like a thunderstorm and the hungry woodpecker from the tree tumbled. Thus, the hungry woodpecker started off his career, by falling from the trees on his ears as he tried to munch apples and pears. The hungry woodpecker cooked a tasty dinner of worms on toast. He really didn't mean to, but soon, he'd cooked up sawdust roast. First he nibbled on a knotted root, then when he'd finished, he ate his boots. Once he'd got stuck on some of the bark, the hungry caterpillar ate a bench in the park. The hungry woodpecker took an enormous bite, it tasted just right, but still wasn't enough to fill his hungry appetite. So, the hungry woodpecker went to pick a pear for lunch. Before he'd finished off his crunch, he'd munched the entire bunch of branches. He was still hungry, so next he chewed a few leaves, by the time he'd finished, he'd eaten the house's whole eaves. The hungry woodpecker salt and peppered the hatstand ... before he'd finished, his hats were canned - they tasted grand. The hungry woodpecker was so peckish that he pecked this and pecked that. Outside, the chimney pot soon disappeared, the television cable, too, he feared. He started by watching the cricket, then promptly ate the bat. The hungry woodpecker set the table, with as much wood as he was able. Whilst he was polishing the knives, forks and spoons, he thought he'd take a snack. He started by eating the serviette, then chopped up the newspaper rack - it was the tastiest thing he'd eaten, yet. He started by chomping on one of the legs - it was much better than eating fried eggs on bread. Soon one of the chairs was no longer there. He ate the wardrobe, too, so he had even fewer feathers as he flew and nothing left to wear. Very soon, the whole house was bare. As the woodpecker was enjoying one of the bugs, he suddenly realised he'd devoured the rug. He only meant to take a sip of tea ... but by the time he'd finished, he eaten all the mug ! He went to the supermarket to buy a pair of shoes, when he tried to tie his shoe laces, he'd eaten the two. If the hungry woodpecker went to read a book, before long, he'd eaten the whole shelf, along with the book at which he took a look. The hungry woodpecker was so peckish that before long, he'd eaten the desk. When, the hungry woodpecker went to post a letter, he finished off the letterbox ... which made him feel much better. The hungry woodpecker needed to go to the dentist, who said he could have an appointment in about a week. Instead of pulling a tooth, of course, the dentist had to remove three splinters from his beak ! Finally, when the hungry woodpecker was sleepy and went to bed, he yawned and went to swallow a sleeping pill ... but swallowed a whole pillow instead and in fact, is sleeping still.

In The Wood With The Hungry Woodpecker Spelling Activity

Along with the worms that the hungry woodpecker pecked, he pecked some of the letters from out of these words. Can you help the hungry woodpecker by filling in the gaps with "WOOD" and completing these correct spellings ? Example - ________ + pecker = woodpecker

drift + ________ =

________ + work =

________ + land =

polished + ________ =

________ + chuck

Sher + ________ + forest =

________ + mouse =

________en + table=

________ + pigeon =

© Jacqueline Richards 2007

Answers : driftwood ; woodwork ; woodland ; polished wood ; wood - chuck ; Sherwood Forest ; wood mouse; wooden table ; wood pigeon

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