There was once a hungry kitten, who drank too much milk ... he drank so much, the bottle of milk spilt. Before long, there was none in the fridge ... and only empty bottles rattled on the doorstep. The hungry kitten licked his lips and from his saucer started to sip.When his belly rumbled, the hungry kitten licked his lips and tweeked his whiskers. The milk bottles rattled so much that you could hardly hear his meiouws - he meiouwed so much, he sounded like a cow. The hungry kitten loved the taste of milk so much, everything around him turned into milk slutch. The hungry milk drank so much milk that when the sun came out, he turned into cheese ... he drank so much milk, he started to sneeze. His sneezes were soon like peach and strawberry milkshake ... delicious ! Soon the hungry kitten started to hiccup ... and every time he Hicced - he rattled milk bottles. Soon instead of putting out the milk bottles, the hungry kitten was put on the step as well. The hungry kitten who drank too much milk soon had milk on his whiskers and milk on his toes, he even had milk dripping from his nose. The hungry kitten who drank too milk milk loved milk so much it hurt - he had milk socks on his kitten feet, a milk tie and milk shoes and and even used milk bottles to iron his shirt.
Purring Kitten Game
The hungry kitten chomped away some letters from these words. Can you help complete them by adding "-
PUR" or "- PER" ?
hel____ ____iod ____suit ____fect ____chase ____sistent ____e ____sona ____pose ____sonable ____se ____sonal ____ity ____sonality ____ge ____son __ __ nte__ ____turbed ____suasion ____vasive ____petual ____formance ________fume
© Jacqueline Richards 2005
Answers : helper ; period suit perfect purchase persistent pure persona purpose personable purse personal purity personality purge person punter perturbed persuasion pervasive perpetual performance perfume