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The Hungry Snake Who Drank Too Much Milkshake

Writer: jjacquirjjacquir

There was once a hungry rattlesnake, who rattled so much, that the Earth shook. He shook the tables and he shook the chairs, he shook the roof and he shook the stairs. He shook the house inside and out ... he even shook the cat so much that it too shook about. He shook by his saucer ... and it shook the milk ... he shook the fridge and the milk spilt. Soon there were bubbles all about the place ... and the splashes of milk shook the whiskers on his face. Soon the rattlesnake to his delight, had so much milk that he too was almost white. It didn't matter if it was full cream or not ... the rattlesnake loved milkshake rather a lot. When the hungry rattlesnake hissed, some more, his milkshake shook and bubbled on the floor. Just the sight of milk made the rattlesnake lick his slips ... at first he sipped milk in drips and drips. But soon the rattlesnake was swimming in cream - he thought he was in paradise - a ratttlesnake's dream. The hungry rattlesnake drank and drank - he drank so much, he almost sank ! Soon his belly was gargling, too ... inside the rattlesnake, the milkshake bubbled, too. The hungry rattlesnake rattled milk bottles so much that it awoke the neighbours and they rattled back "Hey Mr Rattlesnake ... what that's rattle you make ? Don't you think the windows in the house might break ?". The rattlesnake soon was hungry no longer ... as the rattlesnake's milkshake shaking grew stronger and stronger. The hungry rattlesnake loved his shake - that he and the other rattlesnakes in the jungle created a new dance to see what music they could make. Soon the whole jungle was shaking in style - it was the best jungle dance that they'd seen for a while. The hungry rattlesnake loved his new dance ... it made all the elephants prance by chance. Even the rhinocerous, who was a lazy, old fellow, started to dance till his feet turned yellow.

The Aching Snake's "Ake" Game

When the Earth shook, some of the letters fell from out of these words and phrases. Can you add either "AKE" or "EAK" or "EEK" to make them complete again ? Which is the correct one to use in these different examples ?

Earthqu + ___ st + ___ fl + ___ br + ___ down h + ___ fr + ___ m + ___ mountain p+ ___ st + ___ w + ___ because of ill health w + ___ my drainpipe has a l + ___ s + ___ the duck's b + ___ s+ ___ permission t + ___ r + ___ milksh + ___ f + ___ b + ___ a c + ___ aw + ___ t + ___ furniture seven day w + ___

© Jacqueline Richards 2006

Answers : Earthquake ; steak ; flake ; breakdown ; hake ; freak ; make ; mountain peak ; stake ; weak because of ill health ; wake ; my drainpipe has a leak ; sake ; the duck's beak ; seek permission ; take ; rake ; milkshake ; fake ; bake a cake ; awake ; teek furniture ; seven day week

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