There was once a hungry rabbit - who had been asleep in his rabbit warren so long that he had forgotten to eat dinner. When he looked in the mirror, he realised, that he'd turned considerably thinner. When dawn broke, as the sun began to shine, the rabbit looked out ... and started to hunt a tasty carrot for breakfast time. He hopped along in the grass, towards the woodland glen, hoping to catch a nice juicy carrot juice for his glass. The hungry rabbit had been running about in the fields so long that he'd forgotten where his carrots should belong. Also, he almost forgot the time since he'd spent all morning digging in holes and was covered in muck and grime. He had heard that by the side of the wood, there were more carrots than a rabbit could ever hope for in the mud. More than a rabbit could count. The hungry rabbit looked underneath the hedge to see if there were carrots by the field's hedge. He took a spade and began to dig again - very soon he'd reached the drain. He huffed and puffed with all his might, but the carrots were completely stuck tight. The hungry carrot was going blue in the face as he tried to pull carrots out from their place. As the hungry rabbit tugged and tugged - gradually one carrot at a time became unplugged. The rabbit slipped, fell backwards and couldn't get up again, the ground was wet and muddy with all the winter rain. A wonderful appetiser, that he nibbled and nibbled until it was all gone. When the sun came out, and he sunbathed ... he soon turned orange and glowed more than the Sun. Next, the hungry rabbit found an even bigger carrot underneath the tree, he nibbled two or three, washed down with a hot cup of carrot tea. The hungry rabbit then ate another, he didn't care if the farmer was bothered. Soon, the rabbit ate the leaves - he even ate the box. The hungry rabbit ate so many carrots, he even filled his socks ! But at least now, as he slid to the gate, he realised he had a carrot that was too big for his plate. Although the biggest carrot in the field was his one and only wish - when he actually pulled it out, he realised it didn't even fit in his dish. The hungry rabbit soon took a big bite - but even that wasn't enough for his even bigger appetite. The hungry rabbit ate all the carrots in the field .. he even ate the carrots that the farmer had prepapred for market as well as the harvest's yield. Before long, the hungry carrot had munched his way through two pounds of carrots worth two pounds and a pence - he even gobbled up part of the fence. He invited his friends to come around for a munch, and very soon they too joined in with carroty crunch for lunch. The enormous carrot stretched from the kitchen to the hall - it took a week to eat it all. The hungry carrot didn't fit in the fridge, so the rabbit cut it up into bits on the ridge. The hungry rabbit had carrots for tea, lunch and dinner too. He made some carrot soup as well as some carrot stew. Then he made a cake and sandwiches - there were many more than he could chew. The hungry rabbit even ate the skin ... he ate so much, he was no longer thin. He ate tasty carrots one by one - and even then all the carrots weren't gone ... so he feasted on a main course of carrots with carrots gravy ... boiled and stewed ... he even drank a tasty carrot brew. The enormous carrot didn't fit in the oven either, so the rabbit chopped it up into little pieces awithout much of a mither. The hungry carrot boiled it in a pan. He added a touch of salt and pepper and made it into a flan. But still there was more carrot than a rabbit could possibly eat - it squashed his toes when he dropped it and it landed on his feet. The hungry rabbit was hungrier still, when he pulled a carrot out of the pot underneath the windowsill. The hungry rabbit chomped the lot - including three pansies in the flowerpot. After he realised how few he'd got - and that he'd eaten an awful lot - he planted more seeds to see if he could grow some more - he loved cooking carrots, but he preferred them raw. It wasn't long before he got toothache from the cake that he decided to make. Even that didn't stop him tucking in ... soon he was surrounded by carrots growing in the greenhouse by the bin. The hungry rabbit bobbed his tail ... and called for some help from the hungry snail. He asked the caterpillar it he'd like a chomp too ... and together they picnicked on carrot crackers for the bunny snackers on a trip to the zoo.
The Enormous Carr - OT Spelling Activity
Add in the letters "OT" to these words to spell them correctly.
carr + _______ r + _______ ten + apple sp _____ ty dog flowerp + _______ h + _______ dog hot sp + _______ The baby slept in a c _______ _______ + ter _______ + her __ rnamen __ oc __ pus __ rches __ ra l __ tery
© Jacqueline Richards 2007
Answers : carrot ; rotten apple ; spotty dog ; flowerpot ; hot dog ; hotspot ; the baby slept in a cot ; otter ; other ; ornament ; octopus ; orchestra ; lottery ;