The hungry octopus was so hungry that his belly rumbled. When his belly rumbled, his legs shook and his tentacles tumbled. It made the sky shake ... and the Sun fell out from the clouds. It seemed that all the night was dark and grey ... and the night was gobbled up by the day. What else to do but find a light - that would light up even the darkest night. The hungry octopus hunted the beach - looking for bright things to meet and eat. He came across some seaweed - but that was green and dark - no fish would eat that - not even the shark ! The hungry octopus waved his arms ... and before long, even the mermaid was charmed. She cooked the octopus a delicious starfish stew ... just like hungry octopuses often do. There was starfsh soup ... with starfish bread ... with so much starfish jam, it gave the octopus toothache. The mermaid even decided to make a starfish cake ... with starfish sauce and a chocolate starfish flake. Before long, there was no room on the plate ... though the octopus just ate and ate. The hungry octopus chomped some more ... until starfish crumbs were all over the floor.
The Hungry Octopus's Eight Legs Game
When the hugnry octopus's belly rumbled and his legs shook, not only did his tentacles tumble, but so did some of the letters inside these words. Can you help the hungry octopus to put them back and spell these words correctly by adding the letters LEG ? Example : BOOT + ______ = bootleg his belly rumbled, his legs shook and his tentacles tumbled. It made the sky shake ... and the Sun fell
break a + _____=
________ + less =
________ + ion =
________ + al =
________ + end =
________ + ible =
table + ________ =
________ + acy =
________ + endary =
boot + ________ =
chicken + ________ =
© Jacqueline Richards 2005
Answers : break a leg ; legless ; legion; legal ; legend ; legible ; table leg ; legacy ; legendary ; bootleg ; chicken leg