The hungry housefly was so hungry that he ate a whole house. He started by nibbling a mouse hole, then he nibbled the mouse ! From the minute that the hungry housefly got out of bed, he gobbled up the pillows, then chomped his way through the bedstead. Across the floor, the hungry housefly crunched some more - he munched his way through the keyhole and then through the door. The hungry housefly took a big bite - but it wasn't enough to stop his enormous housefly appetite. And very soon, he'd eaten the light mid - flight so then the house was dark all night. The hungry housefly snacked the table for lunch, then he finished off the chair in one hungry crunch. As well as his breakfast, he wolfed down the knife, fork and spoon ... and kept on noshing all afternoon. He guzzled a chimney pot and the television aerial too ... he even devoured a bannister rail as round the house he flew. During his banquet, he polished off a whole bottle of ginger ale as well as the froth. When it came to eating houses, the housefly couldn't get enough. When he went to the shops, his didn't stop ... he ate every can of beans that the supermarket had got. In the garden, he feasted, too ... he started with the garden gate, then before long, spade and lawnmower, had disappeared in one chew. By teatime, the entire garden shed had gone ... now he had nothing to cut the grass or get the gardening done. The hungry housefly saw that the garden flowers were covered in runny butter and honey ... when he went to take a bite, he slipped and filled up his tummy. The hungry housefly licked his feet - they were covered in pollen from the seat. Like most people, first thing in the morning, the hungry housefly did his ironing ! Only this week, he didn't need to do it at all ... because he'd eaten everything ... including the pegs and two piles of washing in the hall. The hungry housefly wasn't that tall ... but it didn't stop him finishing off the pictures on the wall. The hungry housefly ate such a lot ... there was nothing left in the kitchen except one pot. Now the hungry housefly fly couldn't fly that high, because he had put on weight and couldn't reach the sky.
A Houseful of Hungry Houseflies Game
As well as eating a whole house, the hungry greenfly also ate some of the letters from these words. Put the HOUSE back into these words and phrases to spell them correctly.
Example : GREEN + _______ = Greenhouse
_______ + arrest =
_______ + holder =
_______ + maid =
_______ to _______ =
_______ + calls =
_______ + hold =
_______ + hold =
hot + _______ =
_______ + trained =
_______ + man =
_______s of Parliament =
you'll wake the whole + _________ !
© Jacqueline Richards 2007
Answers : house arrest ; householder; house calls ; household ; hothouse ; house - trained ; houseman ; Houses of Parliament ; you'll wake the whole house !