The hungry housefly had Monday blues,
As he munched through the washing, then onto the shoes…
On the petals of a flower, all day, he perched
Looking for washing every Monday he searched !
The sight of washing got him drooling,
From 70 degrees, they were cooling…
He tucked into a woolly jumper,
That the dragonfly had brought from Kuala Lumpa…
Put holes in every pair of shoes and socks,
In the kitchen, he even crunched holes in the clocks !...
The hungry housefly took another bite,
Of the shirt that had hung out all night !
But nothing could quell his appetite…
As he viewed the basket from full flight !
He really had a taste for cotton cloth,
Bigger than the wardrobe moth,
When he spied buttons, his mouth did froth !
As he skirted around the tumble dryer,
The housefly flew higher and higher…
In first gear, the hungry housefly zoomed along,
To where the coats on the door belong…
Because his craving was so strong,
He swallowed a zip ten inches long !
He flapped his wings, the nibbled some more,
Devoured some trousers straight from the store on the floor !
It didn’t matter what the colour,
As long as his stomach got fuller and fuller !
The hungry housefly loved washing day,
As in the wind, the clothes did sway !
Hung out to dry by the butterfly,
The housefly cried out “My oh my !” (from the sky)…
Out in the garden, he grazed with ease,
On washing day washing with a crease in the breeze…
Soon the housefly wasn’t able,
To even fly onto the patio table….
When finally, the fly had belly ache,
A very loud BURP ! he did make….
© Jacqueline Richards 2017