The hungry housefly loved to bowl,
He had to dodge then as they rolled…
He zoomed on down to the bowling alley,
Put his name on the board for the tally…
The hungry housefly changed his shoes,
He needed 6 and size 4 he did choose…
It wasn’t long before he was munching away,
On a hotdog, before the game started to play…
The hungry housefly crunched and munched a lot,
On every bit of popcorn, the alley had got !...
It took a lot of muscle to lift the ball,
(well, the hungry housefly was only 2 millimetres tall)…
He played away with all the other folk,
As he bowled he sipped and soaked In a coke ….
The hungry housefly slipped ad skid,
By game two, he’d flipped his lid !
By game three, he’d eaten nine hotdogs for his tea….
On game four, he fell on the floor….
He best win was on game five,
He tossed and tumbled and danced the jive !
During game six, he ate pick ‘n’ mix,
By game ten, he was eating again….
At last, he came to game number twelve,
And put the bowling ball back on the shelf….
His bowling match cost his three pounds fifty,
The final score ? He won 40-50 !
© Jacqueline Richards 2017